
DR Hr. Skægs hotel (Mr. Skæg’s Hotel)
Hr. Skægs Hotel (Mr. beard's Hotel) An English wording game for children PortaPlay, Danmarks Radio (DR) and Greathouse have created a mobile game supporting the famous Ramasjang TV-series character Hr. Skæg. ABOUT [...]
DR Sikker & Søn (Safe & Son)
Sikker & Søn (Safe & Son) A traffic game for kids PortaPlay, Danmarks Radio (DR) and Greathouse have created a mobile game supporting the Ramasjang TV-series featuring Sikker and his son challenging the traffic [...]
Egnet – Uegnet
Qualified? (Egnet?) QUALIFIED - A game that challenge your moral and principles Together with The Danish national church's educational services (Folkekirkelig Skoletjeneste) PortaPlay have developed a hybrid learning game. A board game and an [...]
Project Iceworm
Portaplay is working together with Copenhagen Film Company, Planet 2030 and Toronto based Helios Design Labs to create the web-based interactive documentary Project Iceworm. We are using film, documents and hundreds of stills to [...]

Big Ocean Window – Digital Aquarium
The North Sea Oceanarium treating the guests with a fascinating experience.Showing the predators and prey of the North Sea – in the same aquarium – does not seem to be possible. Some animals are too [...]
Truth Hunter
Truth Hunter We have completed our newest interactive docudrama Truth Hunter together with Batavia Medier and DigTea. Trouth Hunter is take you on an interactive journey to modern Bosnia-Herzegovina in order to investigate a [...]
Broken Lines
Broken Lines is a tactics game under development by Portaplay. Broken Lines is a story-based war drama with turn based tactical squad combat. Released: 2019 The project is co-funded by the European Union, Creative [...]
Ramasjang Racing
Portaplay has developed the racing game Ramasjang Racing for DR (The National Broadcast Corporation) Ramasjang Racing is a fun and colourful racing game for kids aged 5-8 years old. The game takes place on [...]
Deadline Syria
Interactive Documentary Deadline Syria Portaplay has developed the setup of the technical framework and content pipeline for the interactive documentary Deadline Syria. The project is a follow up to the Award winning project Deadline [...]
Pakkeleg for DR
Pakkeleg for DR Portaplay has in 2016 created the christmas themed game Pakkeleg for DR. (Denmarks national public service company). In the game you throw presents to your loved ones, [...]

School Yard Ninja with Four Hands Film
School Yard Ninja with Four Hands Film Portaplay has together with Fourhands Film created a prototype demo of the narrative beat ‘em up game School Yard Ninja. School [...]

Panzer Geekz – destruction racer game for tablets
Panzer Geekz – destruction racer game for tablets Portaplay has released the accelerometer based destruction racer game Panzer Geekz. The game takes place in a beautiful miniature environment with toy soldiers, french [...]

HC Andersen games – branded games for Kompan
HC Andersen games – branded games for Kompan Portaplay has together with the company KnapNok developed a number of apps for the play ground producer Kompan. All the [...]
Artist Studio Unlocked for BBC
Artist Studio Unlocked for BBC Portaplay has helped design and develop the interactive documentary Artist Studio Unlocked for BBC and the Swarm. In the documentary you can choose between different video clips and timelines [...]

The Third Dimension – on-site science learning with SRL Architects
The Third Dimension Portaplay and SRL Architects have worked with creative development and prototyping for Forsyning Helsingør (Supply Helsingør) Powerplants. The overall concept is to give employees, visitors, [...]

StoryHunt Funen
Story Hunt Funen "Story Hunt Funen” is an app for families, hikers and culture explorers, that gives you access to the nature and culture of Funen. Grab the app and let it be [...]

Tales from the Void – space adventure tactics game for pc
Tales from the Void – space adventure tactics game for pc Portaplay has released Tales from the Void, an atmospheric sci-fi real time tactics game for pc and mac. In June 1916, in [...]

Tracks in Time (Spor i Tiden) – augmented reality app for families and school classes
Tracks in Time (Spor i Tiden) – augmented reality app for families and school classes Go on a destiny and ghost hunt at the Poor House and make the past come alive! Spor [...]

The Abduction of King Valdemar Sejr (Bortførelsen af Kong Valdemar Sejr) – augmented reality app for families and school classes
The Abduction of King Valdemar Sejr (Bortførelsen af Kong Valdemar Sejr) - augmented reality app for families and school classes Bortførelsen af Kong Valdemar Sejr is an augmented reality app developed by Portaplay [...]

Geek Tactics – tactical tabletop war game for pc and tablets
Geek Tactics – tactical tabletop war game for pc and tablets Portaplay is in preproduction phase for the real time tactics game Geek Tactics. The game is an exciting and colorful take on [...]

Tomb of the Viking King (Vikingekongens Grav) – augmented reality app for families and school classes
Walk in the footsteps of archaelogists and step into the tomb of the viking king - on the hunt for the secret behind the Ladby ship and the buried king. Who was [...]

Deadline Athen – interactive documentary for school classes
Deadline Athen - interactive documentary for school classes Portaplay has helped produce and develop the award winning interactive documentary production Deadline Athen You control a journalist visiting Athen writing an article about illegal [...]

ARTMix – e-learning game for tablets
ARTMix - e-learning game for tablets In this app you can be an artist and experience what happens when you paint a painting. Play with perspective, move the ocean up into the sky, [...]

Backyard Panzers – augmented reality action game by Portaplay & Knapnok Games
Backyard Panzers - augmented reality action game by Portaplay & Knapnok Games Backyard Panzers is a Multiplayer ARG (augmented reality gaming) game inspired by Counterstrike og virtual reality, which gives players the opportunity [...]

The Expedition – documentary game with Loke film
The Expedition - documentary game with Loke film The Expedition is an interactive documentary adventure game, which lets you go on an expedition to the Arctic ocean, and meet the great bowhead whale. [...]

Dream Generator for Nobia
Dream Generator for Nobia Sales and visualization website and app for NOBIA (HTH Kitchens etc). The solution included database synchronization, and reformating of 3D models, live 3D rendering of kitchen models, based on [...]

Unclaimed World – space simulation game by Portaplay & Refactored Games
Unclaimed World - space simulation game by Portaplay & Refactored Games Portaplay helps Refactored Games producing the real-time simulation/strategy game “Unclaimed World”. Unclaimed World is a serious and deep sci-fi game about surviving [...]

Ib – tablet based children’s game for Gyldendal & Klassefilm
Ib - tablet based children's game for Gyldendal & Klassefilm Portaplay has developed the children game Ib for release on Android + IOS mobile phones, and pads/ tablets. The game is developed together [...]
Wavemaker for Gametools
Wavemaker for Gametools PortaPlay has developed the Wavemaker platform used by consultancy agencies and large companies to define their innovation power. See more at our clients website: Wavemaker is a webbased role play, [...]

Kickstart your Friend (Spark din ven) – advert campaign for Region Nordjylland
Kickstart your Friend (Spark din ven) - advert campaign for Region Nordjylland Portaplay has developed the humorous "Spark Din Ven" (Kick your friend) Facebook app for Kulturregion Fyn, which is part of a [...]

The Worldbrain – facebook advert for documentary Google & the World BrainThe Worldbrain – facebook advert for documentary Google & the World Brain
The Worldbrain – facebook advert for documentary Google & the World BrainThe Worldbrain – facebook advert for documentary Google & the World Brain
The Worldbrain - facebook advert for documentary Google & the World Brain PortaPlay has helped PolarStar films with the promotion of their newest documentary film "Google and the World Brain" with the Facebook-app [...]

TV 2 MediaView – advert statistics overview app for TV 2 Danmark
TV 2 MediaView - advert statistics overview app for TV 2 Danmark Portaplay has developed the web and mobile app "TV 2 Mediaview". Purpose was to collect advertisement stats from different platforms and [...]

Brede Works for the National Museum of Denmark
Brede Works for the National Museum of Denmark Brede Works (Brede Værk) is a part of the National Museum of Denmark Portaplay made an Interaktive ticket, which activates content at the museum, depending on [...]

Borglum Kloster Ghost Hunt – location based treasure hunt for mobiles and tablets
Borglum Kloster Ghost Hunt - location based treasure hunt for mobiles and tablets Portaplay has together with Die Asta Experience developed a treasure hunt for Borglum Monastery and Stygge Krumpen. The treasure hunt [...]

DR Ghost Hunt – augmented reality game for DR concert house
DR Ghost Hunt - augmented reality game for DR concert house Ghost Hunt is an indoor location based multiplayer ARG (Augmented Reality Game), which lets children and young people hunt around the concert [...]

Crimeville Treasure Hunt (Crimeville skattejagt) – augmented reality treasure hunt for Art of Crime
Crimeville Treasure Hunt (Crimeville skattejagt) - augmented reality treasure hunt for Art of Crime Portaplay made an ARG (augmented reality gaming) treasure hunt for In the game you can use your [...]
Sound Collages for Post & Tele Museum
Sound Collages for Post & Tele Museum PortaPlay has made many sound collages for events, museums, attractions etc. For the Post & Tele Museum permanent collection we made multiple sound collages through the [...]

Bridge Game – location based learning game with SRL Architects for Vej & Bro Museum
Bridge Game - location based learning game for Vej & Bro Museum The bridge game was developed in 2011 for Vej & Bro Museet (Road and Bridge Museum), in cooperation with SRL [...]

Huskeren – for
Portaplay has developed a new info service for pregnant and upcoming parents. The sms service helps remind about consultations and examinations during pregnancy, the babies health immediately after birth, health examinations and [...]

SMS services – various projects created 2009 – 2011
SMS services - various projects created 2009 - 2011 Portaplay developed a number of sms-based apps for various projects in the years 2009-2011.

Nordsøen Oceanarium – on site learning games
Nordsøen - Oceanarium - on-site learning games PortaPlay has together with Die Asta developed communication concept and conceptualised content elements for 'Nordsøen Oceanarium' (North Sea Oceanarium). Like the "Digital Fishing Rod", "Interactive [...]

39 Clues Mobile Game – puzzle game for Egmont
39 Clues Mobile Game - puzzle game for Egmont The publishing company "Serieforlaget" publishing of the "39 Clues" series in Scandinavia was marketed towards Tweens by the mobile game of the same name, [...]

DR Pixie Detector (DR Nissedetektor) – augmented reality pixie hunt for DR
DR Pixie Detector (DR Nissedetektor) - augmented reality pixie hunt for DR DR developed a mobile pixie detector by PortaPlay in connection with the christmas calendar "Pagten" (the Pact) in 2009. The game [...]

Cannon Ball with Donald Duck (Helt Kanon med Anders) – advert game for Egmont
Cannon Ball with Donald Duck (Helt Kanon med Anders) - advert game for Egmont PortaPlay har udviklet og distribueret mobilspillet ‘Helt Kanon med Anders’ for ‘Anders And & Co’-bladet i vinteren 2009/2010. Spillet [...]

The Globe – interactive installation for Golden Days and the foreign ministry of Denmark
The Globe - interactive installation with Die Asta As part of the activities during the COP15 climate summit in Copenhagen, Portaplay has together with Golden Days and Die Asta Experience, developed the [...]

ScoreFactor (Scorfactor) – learning game for Sex & Samfund
PortaPlay and Sex & Samfund has cooperated on the development of the mobile game ScorFactor as part of the yearly information campaign for healthy sex habits for the oldest classes in the public [...]

Snickers Peanut Power Race – advert game for Mars Scandinavia
The Chocolate bar Snickers' nordic summer campaign 2010, was developed around the Formula 1 mobile game: Snickers Peanut Power RACE - developed by PortaPlay. The players compete in the 2010 edition for a [...]