Big Ocean Window – Digital Aquarium


The North Sea Oceanarium treating the guests with a fascinating experience.Showing the predators and prey of the North Sea – in the same aquarium – does not seem to be possible. Some animals are too big or too intelligent to be put into aquariums, others would not last 5 minutes before they were eaten .Today’s [...]

The Third Dimension – on-site science learning with SRL Architects


The Third Dimension Portaplay and SRL Architects have worked with creative development and prototyping for Forsyning Helsingør (Supply Helsingør) Powerplants. The overall concept is to give employees, visitors, guests and schools tools to interact with the powerplants and better understand how overall supply functions in Helsingør. The project [...]

StoryHunt Funen


Story Hunt Funen "Story Hunt Funen” is an app for families, hikers and culture explorers, that gives you access to the nature and culture of Funen. Grab the app and let it be your digital hunting guide that helps finding historical facts, stories, myths and sagas from Funen. The app is for you, [...]

Tracks in Time (Spor i Tiden) – augmented reality app for families and school classes


Tracks in Time (Spor i Tiden) – augmented reality app for families and school classes Go on a destiny and ghost hunt at the Poor House and make the past come alive! Spor i tiden (Tracks in Time) is an interactive discovery, where you in the role as a journalist travel back in [...]

Tomb of the Viking King (Vikingekongens Grav) – augmented reality app for families and school classes


  Walk in the footsteps of archaelogists and step into the tomb of the viking king - on the hunt for the secret behind the Ladby ship and the buried king. Who was he - and why was he buried in a ship inside a tomb. Who robbed the tomb, and is the [...]

ARTMix – e-learning game for tablets


ARTMix - e-learning game for tablets In this app you can be an artist and experience what happens when you paint a painting. Play with perspective, move the ocean up into the sky, paint the cows blue and remove the trees from the wood. In ARTMix we turn up the colours, mix the [...]

Brede Works for the National Museum of Denmark


Brede Works for the National Museum of Denmark Brede Works (Brede Værk) is a part of the National Museum of Denmark Portaplay made an Interaktive ticket, which activates content at the museum, depending on the user's choices. It is a 2D bar code system with scanners, exhibition computers, a server based backend system with [...]

Borglum Kloster Ghost Hunt – location based treasure hunt for mobiles and tablets


Borglum Kloster Ghost Hunt - location based treasure hunt for mobiles and tablets Portaplay has together with Die Asta Experience developed a treasure hunt for Borglum Monastery and Stygge Krumpen. The treasure hunt is on location at Borglum Monastery and combines traditional elements with the use of mobile phones, so you can see [...]

Sound Collages for Post & Tele Museum


Sound Collages for Post & Tele Museum PortaPlay has made many sound collages for events, museums, attractions etc. For the Post & Tele Museum permanent collection we made multiple sound collages through the years (some in cooperation with Die Asta Experience), e.g. Posttoget (Post train) and Motorcykelposten (Motor Cycle Mail). You can listen to the collages [...]