Geek Tactics – tactical tabletop war game for pc and tablets


Geek Tactics – tactical tabletop war game for pc and tablets Portaplay is in preproduction phase for the real time tactics game Geek Tactics. The game is an exciting and colorful take on the tactics genre, where you control squads of toy soldiers fighting against each other on a miniature battlefield. [...]

The Expedition – documentary game with Loke film


The Expedition - documentary game with Loke film The Expedition is an interactive documentary adventure game, which lets you go on an expedition to the Arctic ocean, and meet the great bowhead whale. Along the way you can decide where you want to sail, and you can see film and drawings of the [...]

Crimeville Treasure Hunt (Crimeville skattejagt) – augmented reality treasure hunt for Art of Crime


Crimeville Treasure Hunt (Crimeville skattejagt) - augmented reality treasure hunt for Art of Crime Portaplay  made an ARG (augmented reality gaming) treasure hunt for In the game you can use your mobile phone to find hidden virtual tracks, hiding in streets all over Denmark.

39 Clues Mobile Game – puzzle game for Egmont


39 Clues Mobile Game - puzzle game for Egmont The publishing company "Serieforlaget" publishing of the "39 Clues" series in Scandinavia was marketed towards Tweens by the mobile game of the same name, designed and developed by Portaplay.

DR Pixie Detector (DR Nissedetektor) – augmented reality pixie hunt for DR


DR Pixie Detector (DR Nissedetektor) - augmented reality pixie hunt for DR DR developed a mobile pixie detector by PortaPlay in connection with the christmas calendar "Pagten" (the Pact) in 2009. The game was an early ARG (Augmented Reality Game), where you could walk around with your mobile phone wherever you were and [...]

Cannon Ball with Donald Duck (Helt Kanon med Anders) – advert game for Egmont


Cannon Ball with Donald Duck (Helt Kanon med Anders) - advert game for Egmont PortaPlay har udviklet og distribueret mobilspillet ‘Helt Kanon med Anders’ for ‘Anders And & Co’-bladet i vinteren 2009/2010. Spillet blev udsendt på det Skandinaviske marked og spillet mere end 3 mio. minutter. I 2011 var "Helt Kanon med Anders" Skandinaviens [...]

ScoreFactor (Scorfactor) – learning game for Sex & Samfund


PortaPlay and Sex & Samfund has cooperated on the development of the mobile game ScorFactor as part of the yearly information campaign for healthy sex habits for the oldest classes in the public school. Around 5000 public- and private schools were registered the campaign in 2008-2010, and received class material with useful information [...]

Snickers Peanut Power Race – advert game for Mars Scandinavia


The Chocolate bar Snickers' nordic summer campaign 2010, was developed around the Formula 1 mobile game: Snickers Peanut Power RACE - developed by PortaPlay. The players compete in the 2010 edition for a trip to France, where they can drive a Formula 1 car themselves. Besides the mobile solution, Portaplay delivers a highscore [...]