NewsArcade – Seriously Play the News!

PortaPlay Co-Develops new tool, to help journalists reach new audiences. Journalist and publishers providing news content in different formats are challenged like never before: they need to reaffirm their usefulness within democratic societies, by strengthening the bond with their audience and even creating new connections with parts of the population that have become distant. [...]

2023-06-23T09:28:39+02:00June 23rd, 2023|e-learning, museum, Portaplay|

Big Ocean Window – Digital Aquarium

The North Sea Oceanarium treating the guests with a fascinating experience.Showing the predators and prey of the North Sea - in the same aquarium - does not seem to be possible. Some animals are too big or too intelligent to be put into aquariums, others would not last 5 minutes before they were eaten .Today's [...]

2018-11-26T17:09:41+01:00November 26th, 2018|museum, Portaplay|

Historiejagt Fyn updated

Our LBS (location based) AR (augmented reality) app “Historiejagt Fyn” (Storyhunt Funen) is updated with polished GUI and additional content. Browse within hundreds of cultural spots or check out the predefined routes, with interesting and amusing anecdotes, to explore Fyn from a cultural perspective. Great for your next visit to Funen! Available for: [...]

2017-03-21T12:02:55+01:00March 21st, 2017|e-learning, mobil, museum|

“Læringsmixeren” – testing the learning app

Portaplay and Die Asta Experience are currently developing the “Læringsmixer” project (Learning Mixer). The project enables you to use mobiles and tablets to learn about important themes from different time periods through the investigation of artworks. Explore the stories and artifacts connected to them and remix the original artwork, to tell your own story [...]

2017-02-06T12:55:30+01:00February 6th, 2017|e-learning, museum, Portaplay|

Start of production on The Learning Mixer

Portaplay and Die Asta Experience has received a production grant from the Ministry of Education for the project Læringsmixeren. Production is well under way after a first succesful start up meeting with our production partners and collaborators. Portaplay is developing the learning tool The Learning Mixer ("Læringsmixeren") in collaboration with Die Asta Experience. Following a succesful [...]

2016-12-07T22:54:13+01:00March 4th, 2016|e-learning, museum, Portaplay|