School Yard Ninja available for download

Portaplay has together with YouGlobe and the production company Optic Circus released the narrative beat ‘em up game School Yard Ninja (Skolegårdsninja). School Yard Ninja is a funny, hard hitting cocktail of epic kung Fu fantasy, and Danish ground school social realism. Teaching the young kids about the fine balance between wild play and [...]

2021-02-16T10:34:34+01:00May 4th, 2018|gaming, mobil, Portaplay|

Historiejagt Fyn updated

Our LBS (location based) AR (augmented reality) app “Historiejagt Fyn” (Storyhunt Funen) is updated with polished GUI and additional content. Browse within hundreds of cultural spots or check out the predefined routes, with interesting and amusing anecdotes, to explore Fyn from a cultural perspective. Great for your next visit to Funen! Available for: [...]

2017-03-21T12:02:55+01:00March 21st, 2017|e-learning, mobil, museum|

Mus & Mis grant and prototype production

The childrens universe Mus & Mis has received a game-prototype grant from Spilstøtteordningen (the Danish Game support). We are looking forward to help Troels Linde transform the endearing characters and situations into a game-prototype. The game for 6-8 year old kids is about the friendship between a mouse and a cat, who [...]

2017-01-11T14:40:10+01:00January 11th, 2017|gaming, mobil|

Panzer Geekz races past 500.000 downloads!

Panzer Geekz - our physics based racing-destruction game - has now been out on Windows Store for phones and tablets for almost a year, and it has recently passed 500.000 downloads. Luckily the players like Panzer Geekz! The game has a 4 (out of 5) grade based on 863 ratings. Our players decribe the game [...]

2016-12-07T22:54:09+01:00December 5th, 2016|gaming, mobil, Portaplay|

Pakkeleg – X-mas game for DR released

Portaplay is proud to announce that we have created a xmas themed action puzzle game for DR. (The National Public Service Broadcasting Company). In the game you throw presents to your loved ones, to spread a little xmas mood. Each day throughout December up to christmas eve, a new level opens up and delivers a [...]

2016-12-07T22:54:09+01:00November 29th, 2016|gaming, mobil, Portaplay, web|

School Yard Ninja Demo finished

Portaplay has together with Fourhands Film finished development on the demo phase of the narrative beat ‘em up game School Yard Ninja. School Yard Ninja is a funny, hard hitting cocktail of epic kung Fu fantasy, and Danish ground school social realism. The game is made together with Fourhands Film. The story of the beat [...]

2016-12-07T22:54:11+01:00September 27th, 2016|gaming, mobil, Portaplay|

Portaplay and Fourhands Film receive grant for project School Yard Ninja!

Portaplay has together with Fourhands Film received a grant from the Ministry of Education for prototype production of the narrative beat 'em up game School Yard Ninja. School Yard Ninja is a funny, hard hitting cocktail of epic kung Fu fantasy, and Danish ground school social realism. The story of the beat 'em up combat [...]

2016-12-07T22:54:12+01:00April 12th, 2016|gaming, mobil, Portaplay|

Panzer Geekz reaches 100.000 downloads!

We are very happy that our Windows phone Panzer Geekz launch now has reached 100.000 downloads. The game has gotten a great reception so far, with a 3.9 grade based on 444 reviews and lots a good comments describing Panzer Geekz as being  "addictive", "challenging", "fun", "great" and last but not least "awesome"! Thank you very [...]

2016-12-07T22:54:14+01:00February 2nd, 2016|gaming, mobil, Portaplay|

Panzer Geekz released on Windows Phone

Portaplay has released our game Panzer Geekz! The game is available on Windows Store for tablets and mobile phone. Check out the level­-based racing­-destruction game, where you drive through WWII model-landscapes in your quest for liberating the world. So far the game has gotten a good reception, with a review rating of 4.0 based on [...]

2016-12-07T22:54:14+01:00January 20th, 2016|gaming, mobil, Portaplay|