Deadline Syria selected for Paris Video Days

We are very happy to annonce that our project Deadline Syria, an interactive documentary about the refugee crisis for TV and educational, has been chosen as the Danish interactive project to pitch at Paris Video Days. This is the next season/ episode of our "Deadline" format developed together with Die Asta Experience and journalists Thomas Aue [...]

2016-12-07T22:54:12+01:00June 7th, 2016|e-learning, Portaplay, web|

Start of production on The Learning Mixer

Portaplay and Die Asta Experience has received a production grant from the Ministry of Education for the project Læringsmixeren. Production is well under way after a first succesful start up meeting with our production partners and collaborators. Portaplay is developing the learning tool The Learning Mixer ("Læringsmixeren") in collaboration with Die Asta Experience. Following a succesful [...]

2016-12-07T22:54:13+01:00March 4th, 2016|e-learning, museum, Portaplay|

Portaplay travels to Jordan for Deadline Syria preproduction.

The award winning interactive documentary Deadline Athen is getting a sequel. Portaplay travelled to Amman in Jordan for a workshop with local media people regarding the conflict in Syrua. As part of the preproduction for Deadline Syria, Portaplay's Jakob Hansson travelled to Jordan in january 2016, with Asta Wellejus from Die Asta Experience and journalists [...]

2016-12-07T22:54:13+01:00February 2nd, 2016|e-learning, Portaplay|
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