Bridge Game - location based learning game for Vej & Bro Museum The bridge game was developed in 2011 for Vej & Bro Museet (Road and Bridge Museum), in cooperation with SRL Architects and Die Asta Experience. The game is an on-site multitouch card game. The gameplay lets the players compete against [...]
Nordsøen Oceanarium – on site learning games
PortaPlay2017-01-16T12:20:14+01:00Nordsøen - Oceanarium - on-site learning games PortaPlay has together with Die Asta developed communication concept and conceptualised content elements for 'Nordsøen Oceanarium' (North Sea Oceanarium). Like the "Digital Fishing Rod", "Interactive sandfloor aquarium", Interactive signs and communication-screens and so on. Read more about Nordsøen Oceanarium her. Or see a short video [...]