Spilprisen 2020 Nominee

PortaPlay's production Truth Hunter is now nominated. This time it is the Danish Game Award "Spilprisen" in the category - Best Emergent Experience ("Årets nyskabelse"). The production "Truth Hunter" made in corporation with Batavia Media. See the nominees here: Spilprisen.dk/se-de-nominerede-2020 Truth Hunter is an educational interactive documentary game seeking the truth of the Balkan [...]

2020-04-02T16:03:31+02:00April 2nd, 2020|e-learning, gaming, interactive documentary|

Project Iceworm

Portaplay has recently completed the prototype for the interactive documentary Project Iceworm together with Copenhagen Film Company, Planet 2030 and Helios Design Labs In the photos you can see images from the prototype and the project being presented at Sheffield Interactive Documentary festival 2019 where we have meetings with NY Times, BBC, France Television, [...]

2019-06-19T09:42:37+02:00June 18th, 2019|gaming, interactive documentary, projects|