Den 3. dimenstion – Videnskabslæring med SRL arkitekter


Den 3. dimension Portaplay and SRL Architects have worked with creative development and prototyping for Forsyning Helsingør (Supply Helsingør) Powerplants. The overall concept is to give employees, visitors, guests and schools tools to interact with the powerplants and better understand how overall supply functions in Helsingør. The project [...]

HC Andersen games – branded games for Kompan


HC Andersen games – branded games for Kompan Portaplay has together with the company KnapNok developed a number of apps for the play ground producer Kompan. All the apps are based on Hans Christian Andersens world famous fairytales. All the apps are available in 16 different languages. Read [...]

Deadline Syrien


Interactive Documentary Deadline Syria Portaplay has developed the setup of the technical framework and content pipeline for the interactive documentary Deadline Syria. The project is a follow up to the Award winning project Deadline Athens and made by Thomas Aue Sobol, Lasse Telling, Die Asta Experience and Red Barnet. In this new project you [...]

Egnet – Uegnet


Egnet? EGNET - Et spil der udfordrer din moral og dine principper I samarbejde med Folkekirkens Skoletjeneste har PortaPlay udviklet et hybrid læringsspil. Et brætspil, en online interaktiv dokumentar - der giver skoleelever der gennem gamification giver muligheden for at arbejde med 'håb' og 'frygt' på et dybere plan. Samtidig med at der opstilles [...]

Big Ocean Window – Digitalt Aquarium


Nordsøens Oceanarium giver publikum en fascinerende oplevelse. Showing the predators and prey of the North Sea – in the same aquarium – does not seem to be possible. Some animals are too big or too intelligent to be put into aquariums, others would not last 5 minutes before they were eaten . Today’s technology made [...]

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