- PortaPlay is a full-service provider of interactive solutions within the digital domain.
- Since 2006 we have worked with consulting, conceptualizing, design and development of interactive entertainment.
- We strive to support customers with full-service solutions, from initial strategy to succesfull roll-out. Either using our in-house production capacity or by working as a project coordinator for our network of sub-contractors.
- We are experts in user-experience design and are first movers on new technology – when it makes sense to the user.
- Our contractor network features small- to medium sized companies specialized in specific technologies, such as VR, AR, physical installations and sensors, motion tracking etc.
- We are platform independent and are developing for both PC/Mac, tablets, phones, Web, VR, AR, sensors, projections and embedded devices.
- Our solutions are very durable and dependable, and keep working year after year with minimal support. -whether its games, apps, web or physical installations.